Therapy for Young Adults

Online therapy for young adults across Texas and Minnesota

Who You Are

A young adult (18 to early 30s) who is struggling with any or all of the following:

  • Depression or anxiety

  • School or career

  • Low self-esteem

  • Relationships

  • Family of origin issues

  • Anger

Young adulthood brings with it exceptional challenges, transitions and opportunities that can leave you feeling overwhelmed, lost and at times, stuck. Maybe none of the terms listed above describe your current experience, but life in general isn’t going well and you want help feeling different.

What Therapy is Like with Me

My core values include being:

  • Person-centered— I support you and your goals and we build off of your strengths.

  • Down-to-earth and straightforward.

  • Creative— I tailor my approach to meet your needs and incorporate your interests into the process.

  • Trauma-informed— I understand the impact of trauma and how it might present itself and use that to inform the process.

I strive to be inclusive and culturally responsive and I want you to feel comfortable bringing your whole self to the process. I’m an LGBTQIA+ ally and believe all people should be accepted and loved for who they are.


What Therapy with Me is Like

I strive to offer a supportive, motivating, and empowering relationship to help you become your best self. My style is creative and I aim to meet you where you’re at from an approach that works for you. My goal is for you to feel safe and empowered to explore what’s holding you back, making you sad, mad, or overwhelmed. We can work together to identify ways to improve how you feel, strengthen your relationship with yourself, and navigate relationships.

What You Can Expect

The first session will allow time for us to build a connected understanding of your needs and goals, so we can hit the ground running in the subsequent sessions. I recommend weekly or biweekly sessions to begin with to provide an opportunity for us to connect and engage with the process. Your goals and needs will determine how long we work together. Starting with the very first session we will talk about what your life will look like when we no longer need to meet and that will be what we work towards.

How do you know if I’m the right therapist for you?

Research has long shown that one of the most important, if not the most important, keys to successful therapy is the strength of the  relationship between you and your therapist. It's important that it feels right and that a trusting relationship can be created.  

I provide a free 20-minute chat for us to discuss your needs, what you’re looking for in a therapist and my approach to therapy to help determine if we're a good fit. If we decide to work with each other we will also check-in throughout the process to make sure it feels right and that I’m a person you can connect with.