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Being young is hard enough as it is, let alone in a world like we’re facing today. I get it. I know what it’s like to feel stuck. Overwhelmed. To not fit in. To struggle in relationships. To feel lost in the sea of decisions and expectations.

I also know what it’s like to be on the other side... yes believe it or not, there is another side...To discover a renewed sense of hope, passion, purpose, and fulfillment. To feel capable of managing stress and navigating relationships. To feel alive and inspired. To create action and momentum towards creating the life you want. 

To begin the journey of discovering your beautiful, awesome self.

I've been there. I see you. And I'm here to help. 

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My passion is supporting young people to create the life they want and deserve.

Struggling with depression, family conflict, and anxiety as a teenager in a family and community that didn't talk about mental health, left me to navigate it on my own. Reflecting back on this as an adult created a desire to be a part of the solution and to do my part to make sure young people don't have to go through the same experiences, or at least not alone. This led me to want to be a therapist.  

I’ve worked with young people in restorative justice, intensive outpatient, and youth shelter settings; and in organizations and agencies focused on shaping policy and programs that impact community mental health. 

I have training in a variety of topics and methods, and I like to incorporate mindfulness, art, and activities you’re interested in into the process. I’m an avid reader, lifelong learner, and dedicated traveler who is always striving to better understand myself, the world, and our connection to one another. 

My goal is to empower you to see what the world already sees… your beautiful, awesome, badass self. I would be honored to be a part of your journey and watch you grow. 


Bachelor of Arts in Social Science, Minor in Studio Arts, Metropolitan State University

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Marriage and Family Therapy Licenses: Texas #202548 Minnesota #2410

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Meet Bob and Charlie

These little guys are my inspiration, motivation, and love. Bob’s a wannabe therapy dog, hilarious and my best buddy. Charlie is a new addition to our pack and still learning the ropes of life. They are great snugglers and experts in making you laugh and reminding you of the good things in life. Don’t be surprised if they make an appearance to say hello.

Chat with me

It’s important to find a therapist that you connect with. Let’s chat to learn more about what you’re looking for and see if we’re a good fit.