Online Therapy FAQ

Is online therapy confidential and private?

Yes. We will use a a confidential, HIPAA compliant video platform similar to Zoom. To ensure privacy on your end you will need to identify a space that you would like to use for our online sessions. Typically people will use earbuds on their phone or computer and find a quiet space in their home away from family members and distractions. If privacy is not possible in your home, some people will sit in their car, go for a walk, or sit outside while we meet. The important thing is for you to feel safe and comfortable to speak freely.

What technology do I need to have?

You will need a smart phone or computer with video capability and internet connection.

How do I access our sessions?

Prior to our first session I will send instructions. We will also discuss a backup plan for when either of us experience technical difficulties.

Are the sessions recorded?

No. Our sessions are never recorded. This is to help ensure your privacy.